Connect to Your Inner Compass

Lifeforce(Qi) is the essence of a healthy life which includes our physical, mental and emotional health as well as relationship to ourselves and others. When our daily life is less than optimal we need to look at our overall energy levels and mind state and see if anything could be improved.  It is hard to be positive when we are running our lives on an empty petrol tank. It is hard to enjoy life when we are making decisions and taking actions from a place of stress or from a negative emotional state.

Our thoughts are very important for our wellbeing.  Our minds are planting seeds that direct the manifestation or outcomes of our life in every moment. Continual negative thinking can create sickness in the body.  Our conflicting thoughts can send us in circles and keeps us stuck in habitual patterns not really bringing life forward. When we on top of this relate to our problems or symptoms in a negative way by getting worried or overly focusing on them we compound the...

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Happy New Year 2019

Happy new year to you all.  Hope you have gotten off to a good start and have made some clear intentions for 2019.  I get the feeling that this year is going to be somewhat more spacious and calmer for me which I think is the right balance after the travel and adventure of 2018.  This seems to be what the Chinese Year of earth pig also seems to say.  I do not strictly follow any type of prediction by the way as we are the masters of creating our own lives but still find it interesting to understand things from different angles.  I resonate with the information of earth pig that a stable base both inside and out can be conducive for life cultivation.  This is not absolute because greater life challenges and travel can also be the great fire for our inner learning and development.  It is all about balance, what is needed, what is happening in the greater plan.  Within this all there is choice and sometimes action and...

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Reflecting on 2019 with Gratitude

What has 2019 been for you?  Whatever it has been with gratitude we can transform even a challenging year into treasure.

 Still with the passing of each year and the beginning of the next there is a beautiful opportunity to reflect on the year just gone.  When you do, try to do this in a ‘wholistic’ way .  When we look at things in their ‘wholeness’ we need to see things from different angles, to see the totality as best we can, to do this we must use our heart.  Each year may present different themes, challenges, beauty but at the same time each year is a piece of our total lifetime and there is always positive and negative and positive in the negative and negative in the positive and also everything is in a constant state of change and can be changed

What happend this year is an important piece of the puzzle for next year.   Usually the goals we set in the new year are in response to the...

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True Intimacy

Are you lacking intimacy in your life?

What does it feel like to have a truly intimate relationship?

What stops you from being truly intimate?

As human beings we have a deep innate need to feel connected and valued by others. Research shows that the aging process slows down considerably when people have relationships in their lives. Being in connection with others activates our heart it makes us feel alive, keeps our life vibrant.

The true intimacy that one experiences in deeply nourishing and satisfying relationships is more likely to be truly experienced once we have first developed true intimacy with ourselves. So do you know yourself?  On a fundamental level we are no different from each other.  We all share the same feelings of joy, sadness, anger, stress and fear and we all have the desire to be living a healthy and fulfilling life.

At the same time each and every one of us is unique, our inner landscape...

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The Joys of Parenting

 ‘pick up’ what is going on with us better than we can detect ourselves. We may feel irritated by them which is showing us an aspect that is in fact within ourselves. When you are anxious and stressed your home and the aspects within the house, objects and people will feel chaotic, like being in the middle of a storm. The aspects we feel others need to change are often an aspect of our own selves that we need to change. If we learn to hold a calm state we can rearrange our external environment. This is how we create change.

Change is a healthy aspect of life, we can go about changing ourselves heartfully and joyfully without beating ourselves or our children up with our negative thoughts. better to focus on the positive aspects of our children. Children are always looking for attention so when we focus on their positive attributes on their essential being we help them to expand this part of themselves. This can be seen in the metaphor of what ever we water...

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How to create space for daily practice

How to create space for daily Practice

8 Tips to move forward in your goal of achieving a daily practice

1.Create a space for your practice that is inviting and which helps to create a place with a positive and supportive atmosphere.  It can be a room, a corner of a room in which you leave a practice mat, a sitting cushion. A clear space that is dedicated to create calm and space in your life, clutter free with just a few objects that transmit the feeling of peace for you personally.  It can act as a reminder and inspiration to practice.

2.Create a regular time, just like you have an appointment to do anything else, book yourself in to your diary or phone agenda or on your ‘list of things to do’  It should be at the top of the list as  when we do practice we bring more joy, flow and ease into the other things on your ‘to do’ list.  Make sure you are getting enough ‘down time’ ‘time spent being, not just...

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