Happy New Year 2019

Happy new year to you all.  Hope you have gotten off to a good start and have made some clear intentions for 2019.  I get the feeling that this year is going to be somewhat more spacious and calmer for me which I think is the right balance after the travel and adventure of 2018.  This seems to be what the Chinese Year of earth pig also seems to say.  I do not strictly follow any type of prediction by the way as we are the masters of creating our own lives but still find it interesting to understand things from different angles.  I resonate with the information of earth pig that a stable base both inside and out can be conducive for life cultivation.  This is not absolute because greater life challenges and travel can also be the great fire for our inner learning and development.  It is all about balance, what is needed, what is happening in the greater plan.  Within this all there is choice and sometimes action and adventure or forced change can be just a distraction and lead us further away from achieving our deeper inner goals.  So follow your own heart on this one.

I spent the last days of 2018 and first days of 2019 clearing the space, internally and externally, really looking at the habits and patterns I would like to clear internally and clearing and reorganising the external home space also of things I no longer need and changing and replacing things within the environment so they better serve everyone in the space.  I really enjoyed this process and feel ready for this bright new year ahead. I wish everyone a bright new start and I look forward to working with may of you


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