Workshops and Retreats

Time Out, Dive Deeper, Return to Center


Retreats vary in length from a Day to a Week and offer the opportunity to learn and deepen your understanding of yourself through Qigong, Healing and Life development.  Enjoy the peaceful surroundings of nature, allow some time away to reflect and develop your inner focus. Suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners. Workplace training packages available.


Embracing Authenticity 13-15 September

This retreat will be designed to explore living and growing from our heart and expand our awareness to live more in alignment with our true nature and the universal laws.

Developing clarity around what is truly beneficial to life and the patterns that may block us from true health, wellbeing, happiness and our true potential.


Retreat 17th - 19th May 2024 

Theme:  Home Coming

Venue:   Aniwaniwa Yurt Stay; a healing space in nature.

A creative exploration of biography,  beliefs and patterns and the process of weaving and rewriting a new story that acknowledges the gifts and strengthens our lives.

Creative, Inspirational weekend  to weave a new future. Program is tailored to the participants but we will be practicing qigong, having morning talks, nature walks, group discussions/healings as well as creative processes and inner reflection activities such as journaling and art exercises.

Over the weekend we will be exploring  identity and how this influences how we live our life, We will learn and discover more about  how life experiences and challenges do not need to define who we are but are instead just showing us the way to growth.  When we embrace and overcome past experiences or present challenges this can lead us to exploring and living more from our heart/ true nature.



Winter Day Retreat; Drop into Stillness 18th June 2023

Winter is a time to drop deeper into stillness, nourishing our innate being.  As the sap from the trees draw deep into their centres it is a time where we naturally are in touch with our deeper essence.

An opportunity to step back and reflect on your life, to recharge the batteries and clarify the next season ahead.  To support a pathway of joyful living  with intention and inspired action from the heart. Qigong practice, Life topic discussion and Journaling, shared lunch, Still Practice and Healing.


Spring Day Retreat ; Renewal  15th October 2023

Spring is a time of renewal and  rebirth.  As the buds of new growth emerge on the trees our own lives radiates potential.

An opportunity to inspire and recharge the batteries and clarify the next season ahead.  To support a pathway of joyful living with intention and inspired action from the heart. Qigong practice, Life topic discussion and Journaling, shared lunch, Still Practice and Healing.


Personal Reteats

Outside of the scheduled retreats accommodation is available all year round for private retreats. You are welcome to follow your own program or book in for private sessions and tuition. Special Rates for accommodation are available off peak if private sessions are booked.   Find your still point in the relaxing and peaceful atmosphere of the yurt

Workshops are intensives that maximise your learning time of material, tools.  Workshops are running throughout the year and can also be tailor made to your needs.  The format can run from half to full day and are designed to give you a taste of a mini retreat.  A day away can be enough to press the reset button.

"I feel completely refreshed, relaxed and reinvigorated after my Qi Gong retreat. You provided a beautiful and safe environment where everyone was nourished, whatever their experience. The gorgeous location of the retreat made me feel immediately uplifted from my daily grind, and the healing I received was immediate. Thank you for opening me to the beauty of Qi Gong."

Retreat Testimonial

"Natalie and Rachel provided a wonderful nourishing retreat in a stunning location. I’ve never experienced the feeling of ‘batteries fully recharged’  as I have after their May 2017 retreat. The sessions included an awesome balance between the practical and theoretical and included time for reflection and discussion. Thank you for making the weekend a lifetime highlight and allowing me to return home to a full schedule and a busy family full of energy and optimism."

Retreat Testimonial

"An excellent retreat, creating a perfect balance of physical, emotional and spiritual activities to provide a friendly, healing and nourishing time away from the busyness of everyday life."

Retreat Testimonial

"I really enjoyed the weekend Natalie and Rachel were such a great team complementing each other really well – approachable, friendly and really made Qigong concepts feel accessible and easy to fit in to daily life using simple explanations. There was a feeling of a safe space where we could share with each other.mThere was Joy and relaxation to it all. I had a lot of fun and have experienced some big shifts which have improved my life. Thank you so much."

Retreat Testimonial

"I have discovered a whole new approach to my daily qigong practice since the retreat! I  feel a new level of enjoyment that is making the commitment to practicing daily so much easier. I am feeling a much deeper connection to myself. I’ve also found the transition back to “normal life” was just so incredibly easy, because I feel like this new state is now “normal” to me, and that is a huge blessing. I find it incredible to have moved into this deeper awareness from just a weekend, I really feel this will only continue to develop and grow from here   "

Retreat Testimonial

"I really enjoyed the workshop.  It was relaxing, gentle and I came away feeling quietly powerful.  I had been generally out of sorts & unbalanced within myself for sometime due to PTSD.  Since Saturday I feel more peaceful, energetic and connected to myself, my life and my world.  Thank you. I look forward to class."

Workshop Testimonial

"Natalie is a gentle teacher who is quite sensitive to feel and keep a balance between too much and not enough. It was very easy to learn Yuan Gong from her. The yurt was filled with an intense, pulsating energy and it was profoundly peaceful at the same time. Birds were singing out there while we were clearing the ‘field’ around us. That was absolutely magical. I was deeply thankful for being there. "

Workshop Testimonial

"I really enjoyed the workshop and I feel grateful for the light and information you shared with us. I just know that the practice of Yuan Gong will bring positive changes and health to my body, mind and spiritual being. Thank you, thank you, thank you"

Workshop Testimonial

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